Production Yield Analysis

Increased Efficiency. Increased Profitability.

Let NHLA help you become more efficient and more profitable. Our team will evaluate your process from log selection to end product and thoroughly analyze every step in between.

The complexity of today’s global markets requires new tools to reduce costs and increase profitability for sawmill owners. To meet that demand, NHLA is proud to announce the launch of Yield Analysis and Quality Control Services. The purpose of these services is to enhance operations, reduce costs, and help you squeeze as much profit from every single log, while reducing waste.

Production Yield Analysis is a systematic method for improvement of hardwood yield. The objective of the hardwood industry is to produce products in a sustainable way, making the most of nature’s resources. Large amounts of waste are inefficient especially to your bottom-line.

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The Production Yield Analysis can Audit the Following:

Over the last 12 months, the Operations Management Program has recovered $3.9 million in lost profits – an average of $400,000 per sawmill.

Kirkham Hardwoods, Inc. Testimonial

“We participated in the NHLA Production Yield Analysis Program, and it was exactly what I had hoped for. A recent acquisition of Kirkham Hardwoods necessitated a third-party review. I knew I had the right people in place, and we had made some key improvements, but I wanted to know if we could do better. In the worst-case scenario, in my opinion, the findings would show we were perfect. The NHLA team descended upon us, and they kept us hopping. We did rip analysis, log yields vs. scale, and grade analysis. They looked to see that we were sawing a consistent uniform thickness; they looked at the saw kerf, whether we were upgrading for maximum value, and how we were marketing our secondaries. The great thing was that our team embraced the experience! They are an experienced and strong group, but they were open to different ideas and suggestions. In the end, there was a lot that we were doing right, and I’m proud of our people. There was, however, room for improvement, and we have taken those suggestions at heart. We have improved our yields, and that has added to our bottom line! It’s been 8 months, and the NHLA National Inspectors that were on this team still call my managers just to see if they have any questions or concerns. They offer to stop by when necessary and have helped keep us on track. The Production Yield Analysis Program was just what we needed, and we will use it again.”

Michael F. Powers

Executive VP of Maley & Wertz, Inc.,
Kirkham Hardwoods, Inc., & Hardwoods Trucking, Inc.

Quality Control Inspections

Before continuing Quality Control Inspections begin, your business must participate in the Production Yield Analysis audit detailed above. Once production issues are identified, NHLA will identify and instruct personnel on the necessary steps to correct the issues and perform follow-up Quality Control Checks. The checks can be performed on a monthly or quarterly basis to ensure the profits continue to move in the right direction. Checkups include customized education designed exclusively for your sawmill and employees.

These services enhance operations, reduce costs, and help you squeeze as much profit from every single log while reducing waste.

Items Individually Checked for Quality Control


Have any questions or need assistance with NHLA Services?