The Hardwood Industry’s Federal Advocate

October 1, 2024
2024 Presidential ElectionsDana ColeFarm Bill 2024Hardwood FederationHardwood Industry AdvocacyHardwood Industry NewsWood Products Regulations

Welcome to St. Louis! The Hardwood Federation is excited to be a part of this wonderful event. Congratulations to the Board of Managers, Board President Jon Syre, Executive Director Dallin Brooks, and the entire staff of the National Hardwood Lumber Association for putting together what promises to be another successful, exciting, and inspiring Annual Convention.

The Hardwood Federation has fought for you, your companies, and your employees for twenty years. We remain steadfast in our mission to strongly advocate for U.S. hardwood businesses and their employees to federally elected officials regardless of party. We are on the political frontline for you, fighting daily so you can succeed tomorrow.

2024 is an election year. While it is certain there will be a change in the White House, what that change will be is very uncertain. The political dynamics of the House and Senate are also very much in play. Regardless of the outcome, the Hardwood Federation will continue to represent the Hardwood industry in D.C., leveraging the voices of NHLA leaders to make sure the White House, Administration Officials, and Congressional Leaders clearly understand the valuable contributions the production of hardwood timber and products can make on multiple levels of the U.S. economy. In 2024, the Hardwood Federation’s top goal was to ensure legislation was introduced and regulations were considered to recognize and support the hardwood industry in meaningful ways. We are making progress.

– The House and Senate draft Farm Bill language includes several hardwood industry priorities, including doubling funding for USDA export promotion programs, increased dollars for Wood Innovation and Community Wood Grant Programs, and support for accounting for the stored carbon in hardwood products in U.S. Forest Service initiatives. The House version of the Farm Bill reauthorization legislation also includes workforce development language specific to the forest products sector.
– The Hardwood Access Program for consumers, architects, designers, and hardwood educational funding legislation continues to add sponsors to the House version of the bill, and we are actively pursuing Senate leads for a companion bill. While passing this legislation in 2024 will be difficult, it is an excellent vehicle for educating lawmakers about our industry and our current challenges. It will be a top priority in 2025.
– The General Services Administration approved U.S. Red Oak for use in U.S. military truck beds in late 2023. We are working with both House and Senate leaders to push the U.S. Department of Defense to make the switch from endangered and imported apitong to domestic and sustainable Red Oak; this includes spearheading a letter signed by nine members of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Defense Subcommittee as well as Senate Armed Services Committee to the Department of Defense Secretary. Recognition of Red Oak for truck beds is the first step. There are opportunities to expand demand for other domestic hardwood products in government procurement specifications on the horizon, and we are exploring options.
– The Hardwood Federation has actively engaged the Biden administration by providing written and verbal comments on a wide range of regulatory proposals, including those impacting the management of old-growth and mature forests, recognizing the low-carbon benefits of wood building materials, forest-based solutions to reduce atmospheric carbon, the carbon storage value of hardwood products and establishing guardrails around private carbon markets. We will be equally active with the next Administration.

Tax Reform impacting small and medium-sized businesses will be a key issue in 2025, regardless of election outcomes. Supporting restoration of key Trump-era tax benefits, including 100% bonus depreciation, total business interest deductions to the EBITDA, 199A small business deduction, and the R&D tax credit, will be a significant focus for the Federation. A total of $4.6 trillion in business tax benefits will expire at the end of 2025 without Congressional action.

These and other issues will keep us more than busy in 2025.

The Hardwood Federation is proud to partner with and represent NHLA and their members in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Having a coordinated, consistent, and united voice in Washington is critical for the U.S. hardwood industry. It is more important than ever in election years when incumbent Members retire (voluntarily or not), and new Members take their oath of office. Our job of educating those in public office is never done. Although making our message heard can feel almost impossible, we must continue to reach out, communicate and advocate. Failure is only assured by inaction. NHLA and their members are significant and highly valued contributors to our efforts.

The NHLA provides crucial financial and advocacy support to the Hardwood Federation. Still, at the same time, the direct participation of the NHLA’s membership cannot be underestimated, and we are grateful. NHLA members:

– Come to Washington to meet and discuss policies impacting the industry with Members of Congress;  
– Educate Members of Congress by hosting them in mills, yards, and facilities to give them a first-hand look at the industry;
– Write letters to, email, and call Congressional offices to share concerns about lousy policy and applaud good policy; and
– Contribute financial resources, both on an individual and company basis, to the Hardwood Federation’s Political Action Committee and Administrative Operating Fund, both essential to our continued success. Please support us at

The Hardwood Federation staff will be at the NHLA convention and look forward to meeting you and discussing our efforts in Washington. Have a wonderful convention!

By Dana Cole,
Hardwood Federation



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